Embrace your true personal power and lay the foundations for your legacy by achieving sovereignty across all areas of your life; from the office to your most intimate relationships.


the sovereignty map.jpg

We need something new…

Old paradigm leadership programmes help you reach the dizzying heights of up-levelled people or organisation management. They will ensure that your leadership brain emerges sharper, more focused, more able to compete, outthink or outmanoeuvre.

However, these programmes overlook the countless women who feel as though they express and realise their place on the planet not just through the workplace but through their leadership in their relationships, families, domestic spheres, expression of creativity, contribution, community, and more. 

They don't have just one area they need to crack — they have dozens.

I feel this omission of personal development for the woman who now ‘has it all’ but doesn’t know what the heck to do with it, and for this reason I have created Sovereign Woman.



Acting or done independently and without outside interference.

Sovereign Woman is THE course for any woman who wants to feel better, and who wants to gain stability, clarity, and sovereignty across her life.

It’s for the woman who has tried in the past to take other routes like indulging in self-help books but who has found that without community and accountability, it has been difficult to follow through.

It’s for the woman who has done leadership programmes before but focused on leading better in the workplace, not leading better across the entirety of her life.

It’s for the woman who tried to tough it out, telling herself “these are first world problems,” or “life isn't so bad — what's to complain about?”

That woman is you and the truth is, you’re overwhelmed by the moving parts of your life which is completely understandable. There are parts of your life that you treat as though they are unrelated to other struggle areas, but those parts — all the parts — they actually form your whole life and all greatly impact each other. 

It feels as though as soon as you get one aspect in balance it threatens to capsize the equilibrium that you have in another area. You want more juice out of life, but you haven’t got the energy to squeeze it. This in itself is hard to sit with because you feel like you have something important to do here on earth but have no idea what it is.

You’re ready to feel in control of your life and destiny, without the overwhelm that’s been hanging around.

I hear you, I see you, I feel you.

I know it’s a lot to navigate alone which is why I created this programme rooted in sovereignty and sisterhood.

Sovereign Woman is a combination of powerful and transformational coaching that will ensure the cohort of women illicit their purpose here on earth and establish the legacy they want to leave behind.

This programme is deep — it’s an investment with returns that last beyond your lifetime.

The deep dive that we do across the domains of your life ensures that you are able to gather stability, clarity, and sovereignty in a meaningful way across all areas of your life.


What you will get…

This programme is a commitment to changing the lives of your children, your families, and your communities by virtue of the intention you bring to changing your own life.

With this programme, you will:

  • Gain a set of tangible tools that you can use to feel sovereign — the full authority of your mind, your body, and your soul at all times

  • Supercharge your relationships from friendships to your partner

  • Revolutionise the way you think about work 

  • Gain confidence in your body and your health

  • Know the legacy you want to leave and have a road map towards leaving it


Angie can help you feel at ease, get you into a reflective space where you can think more deeply about the values that are driving your behaviours. She is very intuitive so her questions get to the heart of what you want and are feeling. I am now able to catch myself feeling a feeling and ask questions to nudge myself into a thinking space rather than staying in the feeling. I connect that feeling to wider contextual factors which helps me notice what else is going on around me that might be influencing me.

Angie is great at changing direction confidently and generating energy to reflect on how current situations are serving you. I have learned that my commitment is to myself and my values rather than being seen to be loyal in situations I don’t want to commit to anymore. There is always another option - you are allowed to choose - generate the agency within yourself to make it happen.

— Claire

This is what 2022 can look like for you when you join us… 

This is what 2025 can look like for you when you join us… 

This is a year-long programme that kicks off in March. Throughout the programme, you’ll begin to embrace your power and lay the foundations for the legacy you plan to leave on earth. This programme has two levels — regular enrollment and VIP enrollment — depending on the level of support you’d like to receive.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Monthly Immersion

    Our immersion is our workshop of the month where Angie introduces the monthly topic and deep dives into the material during a 3-hour class. This is an interactive session but we will go deep and you will leave with a full heart and mind whirring with inspiration and new insights.

  • Monthly Group Coaching

    Our group coaching calls are the heart of the programme, an opportunity to gather in community, share insights and breakthroughs, and receive coaching on our monthly topic all within the container of a powerful group of women.

  • Small Group Council

    Your council is a consciously crafted small group of women with whom you will work with throughout the entire year. Each council is given a bespoke teaching and small community practice to work on for their 12 months together.

  • Guest Teaching

    Over the 12 months, we have curated an impeccable collection of group teachers. These women are all luminary and work in fields as diverse as fashion to kundalini yoga. In these sessions, they will share their wisdom and sprinkle you in inspiration.

  • Private Online Community Space

    All of our course materials are available in the community space inside Mighty Networks and all call recordings will be available within the network. Our online community has a dedicated community manager who is there to take care of the space and take care of the community in the space.

  • Course Workbook

    This Sovereign Woman workbook is designed to help guide and support you through the work you’ll do over the next 12 months. It contains all of your coachings prompts, mindset tools as well as provocations from the monthly teachings.

Plus, an optional retreat

A Scandinavian Retreat

Join the community during the Summer of 2026 on the stunning Danish Island of Ærø for three days of teachings, group coaching, relaxation, and community practice.

Spaces will be limited and offered on a first-come basis. More details upon enrolling.

The Investment



Regular Enrollment (Pay in full or spread over 12 months)

Early Bird through January 31st

(Save £250)

Normal price:




“I started working with Angie last year. I believe in the coaching process - but if I’m honest I also saw it as a bit of a luxury in terms of time and sometimes worried that I should be doing other ‘more important’ things. How wrong I was! 

Our coaching sessions are invaluable; they help me examine my values and judgments in a new light. Expertly coaching me through my (generally negative) feelings about the quality of my leadership skills, Angie always helps me see that my leadership instincts are usually sound and heading in the right direction after all.

Angie has shown me I can be completely honest with her in our sessions and I trust her implicitly – not only in terms of what I say being kept confidential (which of course is a given) but also in being confident that I am never judged for what I might say. She challenges my assertions about myself, of course, but in a way that is nurturing and supportive.

Angie leaves me feeling buoyant, successful, ok with being fallible and authentic. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her as a coach – she’s amazing.”

Being a Sovereign Woman means being a person who is completely independent, responsible, and in command of her own mind, body, and spirit. 

These teachings are rooted in a holistic approach for ALL women...

Professional women, creatives, mothers, caregivers, creative entrepreneurs, women working in the third sector… ANY WOMAN who feels that she needs to feel better in order to be able to deliver the payload of the legacy she was always destined to leave.

My goal is you walk away feeling clear, stable, and sovereign.

A look at the monthly curriculum we’ll dive into each month of the programme:

  • Month 01: The Sovereignty Map

    The sovereignty map is the overview of the domains of our lives that we can feel sovereign in. When we can see that the domains interplay and that they stand interdependent, we learn so much about ourselves.

  • Month 02: Body

    It is no surprise that thoughts about our bodies consume so much of our time. It almost feels to be a conspiracy, that if we can persuade women to focus as much as their attention as possible on their vessel, perhaps they will be distracted from thinking about the various dimensions of their being — the other more powerful dimensions of their being.

  • Month 03: Spirituality

    A relationship with something that is bigger than us is also something that modern-day life seems to have chipped away at. The clarity that we can gain in our lives when we understand, at least, our relationship, or lack of relationship with something bigger than us, is profound.

  • Month 04: Relationships

    When we get our relationships right, we have the ability to change the world. As we relate we are emitting a frequency of creativity, of expansion, of more possibility. Women are the ultimate creators.

  • Month 05: Work

    I've deliberately left this domain until the middle of the course because work is the area that our minds naturally gravitate toward when we think about leadership and when we utilise leadership development. And this is with good reason — our work in the world and how we do our work in the world is pretty much a signal to the way we do anything. 

  • Month 06: Creativity

    From the Oscars through to the Nobel Peace Prize it can look like men are more creative than women but what is clear is that creativity is part of what it means to be a woman. Women naturally create and we can amplify with ease our ability to turn our wildest imaginings into things in the world. goes here

  • Month 07: Money

    We seem to love to talk about how we never have enough of it, but we also enjoy discussing the fact that wanting too much of it is crass. We judge ourselves when it runs short and others when it is plentiful. But all this talk misses the point! goes here

  • Month 08: Environment

    A woman's environment is a domain I love to explore. Many women have contemplated the environment they need in order to be creative — we’re going to explore that.

  • Month 09: Energy

    The energy levels of a woman ebb and flow and one of the most powerful teachings of this module is that that is great. When women have dominion over their energy, they know what to stop and when to stop. goes here

  • Month 10: Sex & Intimacy

    A woman's sexuality exists with the unenviable status of being simultaneously glorified and maligned. Our relationship with our own sexuality has been severely disrupted. However, when in balance, a woman's sexuality is a powerful tool and we can use it to supercharge almost every aspect of our lives.

  • Month 11: Ancestry

    In this module, having taken a good deep dive into the domains of our lives, we look at what it might mean to be a great ancestor. This means we are pinpointing and drawing together the areas of sovereignty that we need to enact in order to truly honour our lineage.

  • Month 12: Legacy

    When we women begin to think about legacy, we think about what we will leave behind for the world beyond the family line, transmitting out into the betterment of humanity into the betterment of society into the betterment of the local community into the betterment of our individual workplaces.

“What a strange 18 months it has been and what a piece of luck that I landed you as a coach, I am not sure I would have survived it without you.

More often than not I walk away from our coaching sessions feeling as though a ray of light has been shone on my brain, bonding my brain and my heart tightly together to allow me to be the leader I want to be. I always walk away lighter, more purposeful and so relieved to have spent just one hour concentrating on what I need, rather than what others need. Headship can be lonely, and embracing a new headship in a pandemic has been terrifying. Each one of our coaching sessions, during these last months, has given me courage, confidence and clarity.

Through laughter, some extraordinary metaphors (!) and a lot of kindness you are able to tie threads together and create a beautiful plait that has substance, integrity and is true to me. And for that Angie, I thank you.”

— Hetty

Meet Angie, your guide over the next 12 months.


Hi, I’m Angie.

My background in developing and delivering women's leadership training means a curriculum designed to attend to the multi-faceted nature of women's lives. My experience as a coach allows for powerful and transformational coaching which will ensure the cohort of women illicit their purpose here on earth — establish the legacy it is that they want to leave and are able to plan for this.

Before this, I was a woman leader who worked her way up to almost 15 years of successful leadership in the education system. I led big teams, large and small schools, and navigated the complexity of system change in times of increased austerity and the marketisation of our schools and colleges.

I tried to lead a household, but perhaps too much of my leadership style from the workplace ended up in our two-up-two-down Victorian terrace. So while my relationship imploded, I was left holding a baby, needing to make money and to fulfil the ever-increasing demands of my executive leadership role.

The confidence I gained from my role as Deputy CEO belied the discomfort I felt as a woman of colour, negotiating for system change but always amidst a sea of white faces. Having to be the face of things meant vast amounts of visibility. So I also undeniably felt the discomfort of being in a body that society probably felt was a little too round, a little dark, a little too afro-ed - altogether, a little too much.

These areas of leadership over work, finances, family, and home were rarely recognised as the complex unit they represent. Instead, I took my life to be a complicated game of Whac-A-Mole in which I was occasionally surprised by a new domain of leadership that reared its head.

It took time but eventually, I got it together, and when I say together, I do mean I pulled myself together. I began to recognise that the domains of my life had to be lent clarity by being held in unity and that this is what would lead to stability and ultimately to sovereignty. It was through this self-sovereignty that I truly learned to lead.

The dissatisfaction I felt with old paradigm leadership tools is one I also recognise through hundreds of hours of coaching women leaders. These women demand that the complexities of their lives are heard, and they need to articulate their experiences on their own terms. They come to my coaching practice with so many questions, contexts, and personal perspectives, but the thing they really want to know the answer to is ‘how can I feel better?’

This is THE course for any woman who wants to feel better, who wants to gain stability, clarity, and sovereignty across her life.

It’s the programme if you want to feel in control of yourself and your life, if you want to live out your destiny, if you want to leave an impactful legacy on the world. 

This work is my calling and my legacy.

I have been an educator for 22 years and have specialised in the empowerment of marginalised and communities throughout this career.

I have dedicated the last 8 years to developing women's communities, teachings, and coaching. It is work I am passionate about, it is work I must do, the work is happening whether you are with me or not but my track record of empowering women to transform their lives is excellent and that those women go on to support and uplift the network of women is testament to the quality of community I am able to foster in my containers.

Are you ready to join me on this journey?

Unsure if you’re a fit? Let’s clear that up.

You wouldn’t be a match if you’re not ready to commit to a deep dive of exploring the domains of your life that may be holding you back or if you are looking for answers without effort.

The road to sovereignty is a deeply personal one and no journey looks the same.

If you’re ready to get deeply personal on that journey and transform, this is your place.

I want you to know the job you’re here to do on earth. 

I want you to understand the urgency of taking responsibility for delivering the payload of your legacy. 

I want you to know without a doubt that committing to this programme will get you to a place of feeling better. Not only that but that it will lead you to sovereignty. 

Helping you uncover this is my legacy — I don’t take that lightly. 

If you’re ready to accept this, then I look forward to to welcoming you in.

Angie picking pebbles on beach.jpg

Questions about joining?
I’ll do my best to answer.

Don’t see your question below? Reach out to me.

Do you have payment plans available? 

Yes, of course! Select the enrollment option you’d like (regular or VIP) and you’ll see options for payments to be spread out over 2, 4, 6, or 12 months. 

Is it all online? Will we get some face-to-face time? 

This is an online programme but we can't wait to see you in the community and in-person next summer on the magical island of Ærø, our optional retreat for all members.

Do you have an Early-Bird discount? 

Yes! Now through January 31st, you can save £250 when you sign up. Just be sure to do so before the end of the month.

Is this course for all who identify as women?

It absolutely is. It’s for professional women, creatives, mothers, caregivers, creative entrepreneurs, women working in the third sector… ANY WOMAN who feels that she needs to feel better in order to be able to deliver the payload of the legacy she was always destined to leave.

Are the calls recorded? 

Yes, and then they are uploaded to the online portal — Mighty Networks.

What time are the calls? 

Exact times TBC but immersion calls will take place on Saturday mornings once a month and Group Coaching Calls will take place on a Tuesday evening once a month.

When do we get started?

Sign-ups are happening now and the programme will start in March 2025.

Love all of this, where can I sign up?

Glad you asked, you can sign up below and select the payment option that’s best for you! 

A final note:

 I am so proud of this programme because I know it is going to have a profound effect on the women that are a part of it. 

If you decide this is the right path for you, I am looking forward to meeting you within the container of Sovereign Woman, offering teachings to so many of you, and building a deep community with you over the coming months.  

This programme is transformational and I can’t wait to begin the journey with you.